SDBC E-Bike Policy

Late in 2024, SDBC’s Board of Directors approved a motion unanimously to allow pedal-assist E-Bikes (EBs) on some of our Saturday Development Rides and Holiday Rides. EB use is growing quickly among the cycling public and is a way to allow the continued participation on our Rides of many long-time, skilled SDBC members who need the assistance afforded by EBs. Several clubs in the San Diego area have successfully integrated EBs with traditional bikes (TBs) on their rides.

SDBC E-Bike Policy and Guidelines

Pedal-assist EBs are approved for use on SDBC Rides with guidelines and restrictions as described below.

  1. Approved EBs in SDBC Rides are pedal-assist Class 1 or Class 3 bikes with labels. Non-labeled EBs are not legal on CA roads.

  2. Class 2 “throttle bikes” labeled or unlabeled, are prohibited. No Exceptions.

  3. EBs modified to allow throttle-assist are not permitted.

  4. EB riders must identify themselves to the Ride Leader(s) on the Saturday Rides.

  5. EBs are not approved for use in the Saturday A, B, C, or D-2 ride groups.

  6. Regular SDBC Saturday riders who have taken up EB riding, may ride EBs in D-1, D-3, or D-4.

  7. EB cyclists joining an SDBC Saturday Ride for the first time should start in D-4. Any exception should be approved by the Ride Leader or Training Director.

  8. All riders should choose a ride group based on their group riding skills and experience level and not based on their ability to keep up with the fastest group possible.

  9. EBs (other than class 2) are approved for use on SDBC Holiday and Special Event Rides.

  10. All cyclists should ride at the speed of their group. EB riders are no exception; they may not ride ahead of the ride leader and must always ride in compliance with the direction of the ride leader. EB riders should pass other riders safely on hills, no different than how stronger climbers pass on TBs.

  11. EB cyclists or anyone participating in rotating pacelines must maintain appropriate speed or they will be asked to ride behind the pack.

  12. EB cyclists must be able to keep pace with their group or may otherwise be dropped. Therefore Class 1 EBs which are restricted to 20 mph may be advised to ride with D-4.

  13. Ride Leaders have the right to reject any EB rider whom in the sole judgment of the ride leader, is riding unsafely or not demonstrating the skill level required of their chosen group.

  14. Ride Leaders are allowed to use EBs on D-1, D-3, and D-4 in consultation with the Training Director.

  15. EB riders are responsible for arranging for their own return to the start or home if they have insufficient power reserves, or if their EB is otherwise mechanically unable to complete the group ride.

  16. The SDBC E-Bike policy may be altered by the Training Director or terminated at any time by a majority vote of the SDBC Board of Directors. The Training Director, in consultation with the Ride Leaders, will provide regular updates to the Board of Directors.