A Note from the Veledrome Director
First, the track is going to get a resurfacing in September. We will close the facility for riding from September 14 through September 26th. In this short time the riding surface will be re-paved and painted. We will add an additional cool-down/warm-up circle in the northern half of the infield and will make some upgrades to other parts of the facility. This is going to be a TON of work and we will be seeking your help to ensure this goes off smoothly. It's your track and now's the time to really get involved.
Our website recently received a facelift too. We hope this layout better serves to inform and bring in more riders to our facility. Check it out! If you're a current member, there is a members-only area that is accessible through a secure log in. Requests are manually verified against our current member's list. Once you have been verified (usually no more than 6-8 hours) you will be able to access the Members-Only tab under Membership on the website. In there you can find the current membership list, member documents, as well as BOD meeting minutes. It is currently an evolving section; so if there are things you feel are missing let us know.
Starting August 1st, 2016 memberships to the SDVA are 50% off. Memberships will be valid to the end of this calendar year. New members will receive the same benefits as current members as well as a combo into the facility to ride during open hours. To apply, please fill out the form in the New Members section attach a check or money order and send it in.
SDVA link - sdvelodrome.com
Some reminders:
Public hours are on Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. During this time ANYONE is invited to ride their bicycle (any bike) on the track. Please bring a helmet and be prepared to sign a waiver.
Members are allowed to ride only during Open Hours on the track. All scheduled events are noted on the calendar.
Motor Pacing is only allowed by SDVA approved coaches.
Victor Hupp
San Diego Velodrome Director